Monday, April 18, 2011

And Another Post Today

This time on something I need to work on with my full swing.

It's something Brian was trying to get me to do in my last lesson but I still feel I haven't quite got it yet.

It's releasing the club by rolling my right forearm over my left in the follow through.

I still feel I hold the club square through impact, almost trying to guide the ball straight. This is resulting mostly in a slight fade, but a bad drive will be a big slice, and a bit of a cut off follow through as the club face remains pointing straight up in the air after impact.

The importance of this was reaffirmed during yesterdays comp when I was playing with a senior for the round.

His practice swing was just standing there and swinging back and forth rotating his right forearm over his left in the follow through. Just back and forth, nice and easy until he got the feel

He'd then step up and hit a lovely powerful draw, he pulled a few, put he had the right intention and feel he was trying to get.

When I was working on this with Brian, I was getting to 'flicky'. i.e. Almost trying to flick the ball at impact rather than a more gradual rotation through the ball.

I've just been doing it with a 6i here in the office to just try to get the feel I need, but need to get up the range to put it into practice.

I have a feeling that I'm going to need to make sure my swing path is good otherwise I can see a lot of shots going weak and left.

But I think I've got my head around how to make this work now.

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