So, this weekend, 3rd and 4th September is our club championships.
2 day, 2 round event. Go out in handicap order on day 1 and then score order on day 2 with the best scores going out last. just like a real tournament !!
Last year I was in 2nd after day 1 so went out late on day 2:-)
So prep for this year.
It's fair to say that this year hasn't really gone how I would have liked. I've struggled all year long with the driver and lateley the putter and consistency has been a big problem.
I've played some of my best golf and some of my worst.
So I've got a week to work on a few things to try and find a little something.
So the plan for the week.
Monday (yesterday) - 9-12 Holes practice - Complete
Tuesday (Today) - Chipping and Putting (If I have time and it doesn't rain)
Wednesday - Driver
Thursday - Irons and full Wedges. (plus maybe some putting and driving if I feel i need some extra)
Friday - 9-12 Holes and then some practice depending on the results of the 9 holes.
Yesterday, was good. Not a bad front 9, 1 undert my handicap and made a couple of silly mistakes that could have easily taken 2-3 extra shots off. Swing felt great, smooth and flowing. Even with the driver. Putting was ok, just ok. But better than it has been.
I need to do some stuff at home after work so might not have much time to practice. So I'll try and get 30 mins on the putting green. Just concentrating on technique more than anything.
For the weekend I want to get myself to the point where I'm not thinking about anything swing related when i'm playing. Maybe one swing thought at most.
I play my best golf when I don't think. odd to say, but it's true. I just see the shot I want to hit and then just hit the ball. The problem this year is I've changed so much I've had some many swing thoughts to deal with I've not been able to do that.
It feels like most of the stuff I've been working on is now bedding in. So time to let the reines off.
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